
HYDROTECHNIK is a leader in hydraulic monitoring and HYDROTECHNIK UK Test Engineering is one of the industry leading test and measurement equipment supplier, servicing industries from agriculture and construction equipment to industrial heavy machinery and Formula One.
VLATKET OU is pleased to announce of been appointed distributor for the Baltic States region and able to offer a large range of measurement sensors and datalogging equipment for hydraulics testing & analysis.
The full range of Minimess® test points, adaptors, digital pressure gauges and Minimess® TEST KITS for analogue testing, charging, bleeding or sampling of almost any fluid or gas.
The HySence® sensors family (and not only) for precise measurements of flow, pressure, temperature, RPM, current, voltage and many more measurable factors and hydraulic variables.
Well-known and highly reputable in the hydraulic society worldwide the measuring systems MultiHandy® or MultiSystem ® available as single instrument or predefined kits can also be configured to cover the most client’s demand for accurate measurement and performance analysis of hydraulic or process systems
Developed by Hydrotechnik UK Test Engineering, the WATCHLOG product line represents a huge step forward in the provision of a secure point to point USB and WIRELESS transmission of sensor’s signal that raise the measuring technology level and expand options for remote monitoring of the equipment parameters to almost borderless